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How much does Assembly Biosciences (ASMB) cost?

The average twelve-month price prediction for Assembly Biosciences is $2.17 with a high price target of $3.00 and a low price target of $1.50. Learn more on ASMB's analyst rating history. Do Wall Street analysts like Assembly Biosciences more than its competitors?

What percentage of ASMB goes to stakers?

Any price prediction depends on the overall market. However, we do know that 20% of ASMB goes to stakers who are holding. However that is a low figure, because a lot of IOTA won't be staked. So let us say that the effective number is 25%.

How many ASMBS per Moota a day?

You receive 0,03456 ASMB per MIOTA each day which is over a timespan of 90 days much less than 20% hereby also keeping in mind that the supply of ASMBs will be much higher than the supply of MIOTAs. There will be in total 100 billion ASMBs. Thanks for the correction.

How much is a 1000 mi worth compared to a 3000 ASMB?

If MIOTA is $1, then your 1000 Mi is worth $1000, and your 3000 ASMB might be $250. In other words, perhaps 8.5c ( I rounded up). Then we have to consider the fact that Assembly won't have the same Market Capitalization as MIOTA - it will probably start with a market cap. of a tenth or lower.

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